25th April, 2018. Miscellaneous.

With Spring being so held-back by the bitter weather throughout March (the coldest month of a long cold Winter) the sudden onset of unusually hot weather for April has caused Spring to spring into life suddenly. Suddenly the horse chestnut trees are bursting into leaf, suddenly the umbellifers are growing an inch a day, suddenly, and very belatedly the blackthorn bushes are a blaze of white from the profusion of white five-petal flowers (see picture above). Also bugle, celandine, primroses still in flower and flowering along with cowslips, these seen to good effect around the wooded roundabout above the A15 slip roads to Barton and west (see next blog). The swallows arrived on time, 17th March (poor things), s.p.b.

My new re-chargeable grass cutter, replacing the old 4 star driven but very reliable ‘beast’, is doing the job well so far. From seeing lots of re-chargeable cycles buzzing around, often with seemingly small batteries, it is clear that battery technology has improved a lot in the last decade or so.

Have been asked to devise two more W.E.A. short courses for the Autumn. Have decide on a querky theme ‘History of Not Very Nice Things’ with one topic across each evening class. Topic seen in historical perspective with some social psychology and religion thrown-in. Not sure how it is going to go.

Now going to watch Holby City, had no Casualty to watch Saturday night as ousted by a ‘celebration’ of the Queen’s birthday – what sort of priority is that, anyone would think that she was Britain’s longest ever reigning monarch.