25th July, 2017. Yorkshire Wolds church studies day, 11th July, 2017.

As promised an account of the above.

The three churches studied – St. Andrew’s, Middleton on the Wolds (see picture), St. Andrew’s, Bainton and St. Mary’s, Kirkburn gave opportunity to consider; churches in the landscape (as always), introduction to Norman and Gothic building styles, building materials (as always) and ‘Gothic Revival’ restorations and re-buildings. Also all three churches have remarkable Norman fonts. Unfortunately day became wetter and wetter.

Middleton church built of freestone ‘imported’ to the site both in 13th century and during large-scale restoration of 19th century by integrated building firm from Doncaster, although inner-wall of chalk (bedrock) in chancel.

Chancel fine e.g. of Early English + sedilia.

Church stands on a prominence making access difficult for anyone with more mobility.