17th Nov. 2016. Catching-up plus others.

It must be the case that dreams are significant, they are like a video of the mind at play. Usually dreams desert my memory soon after waking but one recently lingers. I was visiting my late sister (died 2008) when she was still living in the cottage in south-west Norfolk (see Family History pdfs). I gradually became aware that things around were changing, particularly large-scale road-works. This was very troubling but my sister thought it was all necessary. It seemed that I was being overtaken by events. I have a life-long history of recurring ‘bad dreams’. From an impersonal point of view what is remarkable about dreams is that, although they take events that have happened, the mind weaves a story-line that is fiction, as though the mind can function independently. Although I cannot accept any belief-structure which propounds eternal life in human form I keep an open mind about ‘the mind’.

Really is fine time of year to see birds around the Humber Estuary. Geese, probably now resident for the winter, set off noisily bit after dawn, tend to set off inland south or south-east, climbing rapidly to cross the scarp slope, seemingly even the ones that have roosted on, or near, the north bank. Have seen first flocks of migrants, either fieldfare or redwing, or both. Huge flocks of lapwing, probably boosted by Scottish migrants – flock in winter but breed in single pairs and don’t flock in summer. Occasionally see huge flocks of swerling starlings but not currently roosting in nearby reed-bed.