Inventory of blogs 2016-2021.

I compiled the bulk of this Inventory between 3/11/’20 and 11/11/’20, with a summing-up blog on 2/2/’21.
So the sections unrecorded on the previous Inventory are;
Disused Rail Lines as Public Rights of Way, 20 blogs, 13/11/20 – 31/12/20,
Update and Overview for 2021, 6 blogs, 12/1/21 – 20/1/21,
Allotments, 5 blogs, 25/1/21 – 4/2/21,
Monastic History of Hull and the East Riding, 20 blogs, 10/2/21 – 4/4/21,
Worcester, 15 blogs, 30/4/21 – 16/5/21,
Views of the Humber, 13 blogs, 9/4/21 – 17/4/21 and 19/5/21 – 4/6/21,
Cathedrals, 12 blogs, 4/6/21 – 12/7/21,
Simplifued Geology of Humber Region, 40 blogs, 20/7/21 – 2/12/21.
I make this a grand total of 643 blogs since Feb. 2016, with some of the ‘runs’ being of reasonable quality.